Wildflower-Moth pacs contain a mixture of annuals and perennials.
The word “moth” may not bring appealing images to your mind, but there’s much more to these mostly-nocturnal fliers. Not only are moths extraordinarily diverse in color, shape and size, they also offer a variety of benefits. One of these benefits is pollinating plants. While some moths are major agricultural pests, many others are important pollinators. Similar to bees in that their hairy bodies collect pollen and help cross pollinate plants. Moth-pollinated flowers tend to be fragrant and light colored. Plants with these features allow nocturnal moths to easily find flowers after dark. Some moths pollinate by day. Hummingbird moths hover in front of flowers and unfurl their long tongues to sip nectar.
There are more than 11,000 species of moths in just the US. They significantly outnumber butterflies. Moths range in size from being smaller than a pencil tip to as big as a small bird.